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“In our first meeting I could tell I was dealing with someone who made things happen.”     - D. Beh

'..offers a solution before anyone realises there is a problem.'

D. Beh

After having my business on the market for 9 months with no quality buyers I decided to change Brokers and came across Jason Still.


In our first meeting I could tell I was dealing with someone who made things happen. He had established a fair price for the business before we met and gave me a thorough and clear explanation as to how he had come to that. After talking through a variety of strategies we settled on a plan, put it into action and within 10 days we had serious buyers in discussions and have since sold the business to one of the early interested parties.


I have been most impressed by Jason’s insight into the process which he seems to see clearly from all different perspectives. As a result he is able to manage potential issues before they arise and offers a solution before anyone realises there is a problem. He has been thorough every step of the way. Jason will be the first person I make contact with if I am in the market to sell a business in future, and I would recommend anyone else do the same.

'..motivated by the best outcome for us, not for his convenience.'

R. Sharfer

We have recently worked with Jason the process that we went through with Jason was a professional and outstanding service. I couldn't recommend Jason highly enough. He was very accommodating to our needs and kept us informed at all times what he needed and when. His patience and understanding of any of our issues or concerns was remarkable.  He is highly motivated, extremely enthusiastic.  

Throughout the whole process it was really clear that Jason was motivated by the best outcome for us, not for his convenience. You can't ask more than that of a broker. I was totally impressed and grateful for all his efforts.

'..calm approach and eternal all-pervasive optimism which transcended what could have been a no win situation.' 

K & T. Webster

I can gladly oblige with a reference given the success of selling my business recently. The process was always bound to be traumatic after 42 years in the thick of it and certainly made convoluted by the 82 years of history under the company’s belt to try and seamlessly hand over to the new buyer.


I am very grateful that you were the guy that first made contact with me as I couldn’t of asked for a better negotiator in the end. I wasn’t going to give things away and neither was the buyer about to buy anything overpriced so it was rather disconcerting to see the legal and accountant guys start to get further and further offside with the potential buyer and his team. I was thankful for your calm approach andeternal all-pervasive optimism which transcended what could have been ano-win situation.


The deal went through with good humour and Chris continues on during the handover, nearly a year later.I think everyone on both sides considers they could have got a little more out of the deal - which is probably the sign of a very fair out come all-round. I would definitely line you up as participant in any future business deals that I may consider but at the moment I am happy to wallow around inside my big sack of cash like a pig in clover.


Very best of good luck for the future and I trust we will find time to have more quiet coffees in between the frantic pace of life. At least I certainly have the time now!!

'..very professional, thorough and friendly.'

G. Holme

I sold my business through Jason Still within 2-3 weeks of listing it for sale, which was surprisingly quick. I found Jason to be very professional, thorough and friendly. All questions and answers were very well explained which made the selling and buying process so much easier. He went out of his way to make things happen quickly for the buyer and seller. I would have no problem in recommending Jason to any person looking to buy or sell a business.

'..I had multiple offers on the table within weeks with qualified buyers.'

G. Keoghan

If you are thinking of selling your business and you want a business broker who will  actively sell your business then Jason is your man.


This was not my first business sales experience with a broker but it was by far the best experience I have had. Most brokers were not interested in helping me sell my business due to its complex technical product mix and potentially limited buyer base. They just did not get it, nor did they want to take the time to even understand.

But Jason had a different opinion and was open and willing right from the start.


His advice and confidence was infectious, and he followed through on all he promised. I appreciated his honest and up front approach. He put the effort into meeting potential buyers and only present the best fits. I had multiple offers on the table within weeks with qualified buyers. Jason helped to guide me on preparing the business for sale and was there during the due diligence process. Jason will set accurate expectations for you right throughout the process and proactively communicate with you. I was skeptical on multiple occasions with his predictions but was proved wrong each and every time.


Highly recommend and would use him again.

'We found dealing with Jason a pleasure, as he stood out among the brokers we had dealt with. His communication was clear and he was able to provide all the information required when we needed it. His help in getting from us initial interest to sales and purchase agreement then to settlement was crucial to us becoming the new owner of the business. Somehow Jason calmly negotiated everyone through all the obstacles to achieve a successful outcome for all. We would highly recommend Jason to anyone considering selling or buying a business.'

'..We could sense that he understood how our business operated.'

B. & M. Robinson

Marg and I have never sold a business before and so required a broker that could lead us through all the many questions we had, such as how do we value the business, how to present the business for sale, what sort of people are we looking for, what are our duties during and after the sale etc.


We asked our Accountant to value our business and if he knew any brokers that could sell our business for us, and he informed us that he would make enquiries through the brokers he knew, to find one that could sell a Landscape, contracting company.  We also made our own investigations and we both arrived independently at Jason Still from Barkers, all had glowing reports about Jason.

From our very first meeting with Jason, he put Marg and I and our accountant who also attended at ease.  We could sense that he understood how our business operated, and he also gave us great advise in what we needed to do to make the business more saleable. 


Jason also looked at our past years financials so he had a clear view of what the value of our business was worth, and so the figure Jason came up with was very similar to our accountant, so we were convinced that Jason was the person to take the sale of our business to market.


Jason advertised our business and the prospective buyers were vetted by him and he chose 2 that he felt were the best options and within 6 weeks a sale was done.  In fact, Jason said, “I think I have your buyers” and he was right it was the one we chose to sell it too also.  We have no regrets at all they were the perfect buyers, people who would look after our business, and workers that we valued so much.


Jason not only knows how to sell a business by finding the correct purchasers but also knows what a good business should look like and can advise the current owners what needs to be done through the whole process during and after.  This we have found most valuable.


Thank you so much Jason for all your help we have really appreciated everything during the whole process, and of course, for making the sale of our business happen for us in such a short time.

'..uniquely responsive to our many questions.'

L & P. Jolly

'Prior to purchasing our first business we worked with a number of brokers.  Jason was outstanding, uniquely responsive to our many questions and in facilitating discussions with the vendors.   His skill, exceptional communication and attention to detail made a huge difference to our ability to work quickly and get the deal done. Very happy to recommend him to both buyers and sellers.'

'..calmly negotiated everyone through all the obstacles.'

L. Zeng

Let's Talk


Talk soon

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